What is a dual flush toilet and why do you need one? These types of toilets have created quite a buzz since they were introduced to the marketplace and for good reason. They are easy to keep up, offer significant cost savings and make a positive environmental impact. Find out more about a dual flush modern toilet and what the benefits would be for you.
Dual flush toilets have received this name since they offer 2 different mechanisms for flushing. This mechanism may appear as a lever or as a button found on the toilet that gives you the option to flush a low volume of water or a high volume. You'll be able to decide which one to use at different times and it gives you the opportunity to save an enormous amount of water.
A dual flush bathroom toilet Canada is considered to be a high-efficiency toilet. They use much less water than the other models that come equipped with a single flush option only and the amount of litres you will save per flush will depend on the toilet model you choose. You can read through the specifications for each different model to find out how much water is used for both the low volume and the high volume flushes.
Easy to Upkeep
In the past, toilets only had a one flush option that used a siphoning system with pressure. Dual flush toilets are made quite differently and use the power of gravity to send water rushing down into a large trapway. This type of modern toilet design means less plunging for you. You won't have to deal with as many clogged toilet issues when you use a dual flush design with a larger trapway.
Save Money
You'll use less money when you install a dual flush modern toilet. If you are paying a monthly bill for water, you can expect to see savings right away. In a one-person household that has this type of toilet installed, an estimated 18,000 litres or more of water can be saved per year. That is a lot of water and a lot of savings. If dual flush toilets were installed in a household with a family of 4, the potential is there to save about 60,000 litres of water annually. Although the cost savings will vary from one household to the next, a homeowner may see a cost savings of $100 or much more per year, depending on the amount of people living in the home.
Better for the Environment
During the last decade there has been a lot of concern about conserving energy and water for the environment. A dual flush modern toilet gives you the chance to do something about this issue in the comfort of your own home. You can make a difference and if everyone decides to do their part, a lot of water can be saved just by upgrading to a high-efficiency toilet. It's an easy and convenient way to help save water without a lot of effort on your part.
These types of toilets have become extremely popular all across North America. Approximately 80% of toilets sold across the continent are dual flush. It's been estimated that trillions of litres of water have been saved since they were first introduced to the marketplace. When you consider that toilets account for approximately 50% of the water usage in a home, you will certainly be helping out the environment and making the world a better place. Anyone that is environmentally-conscious should be making the switch over to a dual flush modern toilet to both help the world and to save money.
These are the perfect toilets to install when you are dealing with a space issue in your bathroom. They are also available as dual flush toilets with the flush system installed behind the wall. Not only can you save a lot of water by using wall mounted toilets but you can also save space. You can find a toilet that mounts to the wall with a removable seat to make cleaning easier and an adjustable seat that can raise to different heights.
These toilets are also great for anyone that suffers from mobility issues. Adjust the height to suit your comfort level. You can save water, space and also find it easier to get up and down from an adjustable toilet that mounts directly to the wall.
Dual Flush Toilets with Soft Close Seats
If you don't like to hear your toilet seat banging when you put it down, you can choose a dual flush modern toilet with a soft close feature. Once you have installed a toilet with this particular feature, you'll never look back. You'll wonder why you didn't install one earlier and it will be a feature that you look for in all future toilets you own.
Talk to Your Plumber
There certainly are a lot of choices available when it comes to choosing your next toilet. Consider how often you use it and you'll see that getting the right options will make a difference. You'll use this toilet for many years to come and will be using it often. It's worth getting the right features you want when it's time to replace or upgrade your toilet.
If you're doing a complete bathroom renovation, talk to your plumber about the one flush and dual flush toilet models you are considering. This is something that the plumber should know beforehand before starting to work on the plumbing. In most cases there won't be a problem converting over to a dual flush modern toilet system or getting wall-mounted toilets installed.
When you’re looking for the best bathroom toilet Canada, visit www.bathify.ca. We are a leading supplier of bathroom fixtures, lighting, accessories and more and we have all of the features and options you could ever want for your next toilet at affordable prices.
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