At Bathify, your satisfaction is our top priority! We understand that sometimes things don’t go as planned, so we’ve designed our return process to be as smooth and straightforward as possible. Please review the details below to make your return experience seamless.
You can return items within 30 days of delivery.*
To qualify for a return, items must be:
Restocking fees may apply to certain items. Please refer to the Returns By Brand section for details.
*Exceptions may apply to certain items, Please refer to the What Can’t Be Returned? section for details.
Exchanges are allowed within 30 days of delivery, provided the item is in brand new condition, including all packaging. Customers are responsible for any shipping costs associated with the exchange. To initiate an exchange, contact us at
We’ll do our best to cancel your order upon request. However, if the item has already reached the shipping stage, we unfortunately may not be able to fulfill this request. In this case, the order will need to be processed as a return, and our standard return process followed.
Refused deliveries will result in the customer being responsible for the return shipping costs, as well as the original outbound shipping costs, if applicable.
Once your return has been received, please allow up to 5-10 business days for it to be inspected and processed. Refunds will be issued to your original payment method, less any applicable restocking fees or return shipping costs.
Original shipment fees on orders are not refundable in the event of a general return.
If you do not see your refund within the expected timeframe, please contact your payment provider or reach out to our team for assistance.
We do our best to ensure your item arrives in perfect condition; however, in rare cases, accidents may happen. Rest assured, we're here to help you and will work diligently to resolve the issue.
Please follow our steps for inspecting your delivery here.
If your item arrives damaged, defective, or with missing parts, a claim must be submitted within 48 hours by filling out our Incident Report Form.
Reporting issues promptly allows us to assist you effectively. Claims submitted after 48 hours may limit our ability to provide resolutions. We are unable to address issues regarding damages, including visible or material defects, once the product has been installed or altered.
To report an issue with your order, please fill out our Incident Report Form
Our team will assess the situation and, if approved, arrange for a replacement, repair, or refund.
If you wish to return an item, please note that customers are responsible for return shipping costs.
How It Works:
Steps to Follow
Restocking fees may vary by brand. These fees are applied to cover handling and restocking costs, and will be deducted from your refund:
Additional Guidelines for Returns and Refunds:
Bathify is not responsible for any labour costs related to handling, installing, or uninstalling purchased items.
All shipping times are approximate, and Bathify cannot be held liable for unexpected delays. We recommend waiting to receive and inspect all products before scheduling installation to avoid complications with professional trade bookings.
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